‘What’s the Best Petty Revenge You’ve Ever Served Up?’ Question Prompts Users to Reveal Their Most Creative Comebacks


Have you ever been wronged and felt the irresistible urge to dish out a little sweet, petty revenge? Some Reddit users shared how they devised a satisfying revenge plan and what happened when they executed it.

We’ve all been in situations where devising revenge plans seemed like the best option. When Reddit users were asked what was the best petty revenge they had ever served up, they didn’t hesitate to share their extraordinary experiences.

A woman using her laptop | Source: Midjourney

A woman using her laptop | Source: Midjourney

They took it as an opportunity to tell the world how good it felt to execute their revenge plan. From teaching their roommates a lesson to making strangers realize what’s right, these people have done some hilarious yet mind-blowing things to prove their point.

1. My Roommate Lied about the Internet Bill

u/JewsusKrist: My horrible roommate in college took advantage of everyone because she was an attractive volleyball player. We were best friends before moving in together, but that soured quickly.

Two friends clinking glasses | Source: Pexels

Two friends clinking glasses | Source: Pexels

She would leave the sinks full of dishes before going away for volleyball trips, bought a kitten and left it to fend for itself even when it was sick, and put the litter box next to my room in the basement.

Moreover, she constantly asked me to pay for everything, claiming it was because she brought some literal junk furniture from home for the shared living area.

The truth was, I had paid $200 for it, and I had never even used it.

A woman shrugging her shoulders | Source: freepik.com

A woman shrugging her shoulders | Source: freepik.com

The final straw was at the end of the year when I decided to look at our internet bill. It was under her name. She told everyone it was $100 per month, so we all agreed to pay her $25 monthly. However, when I looked at the bill, it was only $45!

My revenge? I blocked her MAC address from our router during exam week, forcing her to study at the library.

A woman studying in a library | Source: Pexels

A woman studying in a library | Source: Pexels

Later, I noticed she was back at the house using the internet and discovered the neighbors had an open network.

Thank God for default passwords — I blocked her MAC address from theirs too!

2. The Dog Poop

u/VolcanicDoorway: I lived in a four-plex many moons ago, and there was a guy who always let his dog poop on the parking strip right outside my window.

I would ask him to bag it, but he would ignore me and go along his merry way.

A man standing outdoors | Source: Pexels

A man standing outdoors | Source: Pexels

This went on for months. They’d be there every day around 5 p.m.

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I left a plastic grocery bag by the door and waited for walk time.

Once I saw him and his giant dog approaching, I grabbed the bag and lurked at the corner of the building until the dog finished his business.

I quietly sneaked around the corner, grabbed the dog poop (with the bag, of course), and held it so the bag would stay open.

A man walking his dog | Source: Pexels

A man walking his dog | Source: Pexels

I hurried up until I was an arm’s length behind the man and said, “Here, I think you dropped this.”

He didn’t look down until I had nearly handed it to him, and he was already reaching for it. He grabbed it and walked away holding the poop, while I returned to my place. It felt so GOOD!

3. The Mayor Had a Problem with My Chickens

u/seekingon: The mayor of my town was my neighbor. I had backyard chickens that weren’t hurting anyone, but he made a law that said it was illegal.

A chicken walking in the backyard | Source: Pexels

A chicken walking in the backyard | Source: Pexels

So, I bought wild turkeys (protected wildlife in my area) and raised them. At night, I would put their feed on top of his car and teach them it was there. They used to poop ALL OVER IT!

I also buried a barrel of rotting fish at the property line with a small vent covered by a plant.

And lately, I put a motion sensor sprinkler where some random guy from up the street walks his dog on my property.

I laughed so hard the first time it went off!

A man laughing | Source: Pexels

A man laughing | Source: Pexels

4. The Subwoofer Problem

u/PewpyDewpdyPantz: Years ago, I lived in a six-plex with my ex. Three people (one man and two women) recently moved in above us and worked in the restaurant industry.

Almost every weeknight, they’d come home at 2:00 a.m. and proceed to BLAST their TV, which was located above our bedroom.

One night, I finally had enough and went upstairs to knock on their door.

A man going upstairs | Source: Midjourney

A man going upstairs | Source: Midjourney

The man answered, and I asked him why his TV was so loud. He then informed me that it was probably the SUBWOOFER.

I asked him if he could turn it down, and he responded with something like,

“Well, after a long shift, we all like to wind down and watch a movie. Turning off the subwoofer would decrease the quality of the experience.”

I asked if he was serious, and he just stared at me blankly.

A man looking straight ahead | Source: Midjourney

A man looking straight ahead | Source: Midjourney

So, I went back downstairs and informed my then-girlfriend of what happened, and we devised a plan.

All she had to do was take my dog to the office with her the next day. Little did the neighbors know I had a full DJ setup ready to go with two KRK Rokit 5 monitors.

The following morning, I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to take my dog out for his walk and get ready for work.

Then, I made a playlist full of the most annoying songs I knew and put them on a constant loop.

A man working on his laptop | Source: Pexels

A man working on his laptop | Source: Pexels

Songs like “Hamsterdance,” “Friday” by Rebecca Black, “Cotton Eye Joe,” “Crazy Frog,” etc.

I set everything up so all my girlfriend had to do was hit play on her way out at 8:00 a.m., which she did.

Never had to deal with the subwoofer again.

5. Never Mess with a Pregnant Woman

u/Dosed123: A girl screamed at me on public transport for nothing. It was just a minor inconvenience. I was pregnant then, so it bothered me more.

A pregnant woman touching her belly | Source: Pexels

A pregnant woman touching her belly | Source: Pexels

We took a few stops on the same train, after which I had to change lines. I exited but continued waiting at that stop.

The girl was sitting next to the window, so I decided to play a game. I took out my phone and pretended to take a close-up of her face while she was staring at me.

I’ve always been told that I have an evil queen face, so it didn’t surprise me to see pure horror on her face while I was “taking her photo.”

Close-up of a woman's eyes | Source: Midjourney

Close-up of a woman’s eyes | Source: Midjourney

As a result, she started to scream at me and stood up, either to leave the train and chase me or to sit somewhere else, but the vehicle started moving, and I just smiled and waved at her casually.

Of course, I didn’t take a photo, nor would I ever take serious revenge on someone, but the fact that she was probably worried for a day pleased me.

6. Exposing My Neighbor’s Affair

u/IonicRes: My upstairs neighbor has been having an affair with a married man for about 4 months now.

An older man sitting on a chair | Source: Midjourney

An older man sitting on a chair | Source: Midjourney

I wouldn’t care, but the noises from her place at odd hours don’t let me sleep all night. How do I know it’s an affair? He’s never spent the night and his car has baby car seats.

This isn’t the first time I’ve had an issue with my neighbor. She used to throw parties on Monday night and had loud phone conversations at night.

She’s 40 years old and throws parties with 20-year-olds. I tried to talk to her about my concerns, but she didn’t care.

A woman talking to another woman | Source: Midjourney

A woman talking to another woman | Source: Midjourney

I had to involve the association to stop the parties.

So, after learning about her affair, I decided to find out who this mystery man was. I looked up the license plate, found an address, searched the address, and found a name.

I searched the name on social media and found the man. Then, I went to his wife’s profile and messaged her about the affair. I used a throwaway account.

He hasn’t visited my neighbor for a few weeks now.

A woman using a laptop | Source: Pexels

A woman using a laptop | Source: Pexels

7. The Day I Shut Down a Pretentious Customer at the Credit Union

u/mustbethedragon: I was a teller at a credit union years ago. A customer came in and started barking orders, acting as if I were her assistant rather than just someone to take deposits.

She kept taking the names of the credit union board members, particularly the CEO. Instead of arguing with her, I kept my head down and took care of her transaction.

A woman at her workplace | Source: Pexels

A woman at her workplace | Source: Pexels

Once I finished, I told her I could convey her regards to the CEO if she wanted.

She smirked and said, “Oh, you know him, do you?”

I smiled. “Yes, I’ll see him at dinner tonight. I’m dating his son.”

She turned pale, grabbed her stuff, and darted out the door. As I suspected, the CEO didn’t even know who she was until I explained who the deposits were for.

A woman talking to her boss | Source: Midjourney

A woman talking to her boss | Source: Midjourney

So, which of these petty revenge stories did you like the most? Have you ever been in a situation where you had to devise a plan to prove your point and teach the other person a lesson? We’d love to hear your stories. Share them with us on Facebook.

If you enjoyed reading this compilation, here’s another one you might like: Everyone has a secret they’d prefer to keep buried, but what happens when people anonymously confess their darkest deeds online? Some Redditors revealed interesting stories when asked to share their deepest secrets.

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